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Soul Realignment©

created by Andrea Hess, all rights reserved

As a CERTIFIED SOUL REALIGNMENT© PRACTITIONER, Rita will create your Soul's Profile by accessing your Akashic Records.   As a LICENSED PROFESSIONAL COUNSELOR, Rita will introduce to you practical tools and strategies to make changes in your life that will help to heal you mind/body/spirit and receive the vital force energy from your Source that is yours to receive!


Soul Realignment© is an intuitive, multidimensional, and powerful healing modality that helps clients unlock their Soul-level potential and clear negative karmic patterns, allowing the client to create the life of their choosing in real and practical ways that help them achieve abundance and to live within their true Divinity.


Readings/Sessions can be done through Phone (not preferred),  Zoom video or In-person.  For all sessions or readings Rita requires your permission to access your Akashic Record and you can give this by providing her with your: 


Your full current name (including middle names)

Full name at birth

Date of birth

Place of birth

Your telephone number and email address 




In this revealing, accurate, and comprehensive session, Rita will provide you with information regarding your Divine Soul Blueprint, which includes where your soul originated, your Soul Profile and Soul Realignment which includes information regarding your Spirit Guides identifies any vows or contracts, and so much more!!       


What you will receive:

  • In-depth recorded report which can be sent to you via email, or recorded during one-on-one report

  • Energetic clearing in your Akashic Records.

  • Customized Homework

  • Heart-centered mentoring.

  • Follow-up call.

  • Optional:  Follow up counselling sessions to help create and maintain new patterns of functioning, based on findings in the report.  For example:  if karmic patterns of domestic violence, abuse, poverty, or people pleasing show up, counseling will be tailored to address your needs.  Rita is a professionally trained counselor, so it is with these skills and abilities, tools and strategies that she will help you to make change!!




Not only do the Akashic Records maintain information regarding our Soul throughout all its lifetimes, it also maintains records of the property.  There may be negative energies or entities attached to a property that are influencing residents. This clearing session has been found to be extremely useful if you are trying to sell a house or if you want to ensure your home is free of negative influence.   In order to provide a full clearing, please provide Rita with the full address or land location of the property, as well as the name of the resident(s) and pets currently in residence – not necessarily the owner of the property/home.  If the property needing to be cleared is an apartment, please make sure to include the apartment number.  Is effective for any space, personal home, car, workspace, etc.





In this reading, Rita will identify the gender of each of your guides, what appearance they present as,  their specific role in on the team, the name of each guide, how it is they try to get your attention, from which soul group they originated, which primary energy center guides their being, what their vibration rate is, and whether or not they have a message for you.  

**Optional follow up counselling sessions to help create and maintain new patterns of functioning, based on findings in the report. 




During this session, Rita will identify any chakra imbalances that may be existing within your emotional and mental energy bodies.  In this very revealing session, Rita can determine which chakras are over or under active, and measure, in percentages, the activity levels of each chakra.  Chakra imbalances are usually caused by the choices we make that are out of alignment with our divinity.  When these imbalances are ignored, our chakras may become off-balance and manifest within our lives as body, mind or spiritual dis-ease.  By determining the imbalances within the chakras, we can determine what choices and changes you may need to make in order to bring these energy centers back into balance.  

**Optional follow up counselling sessions to help create and maintain new patterns of functioning, based on findings in the report. 





A Life Lesson Reading identifies what your primary and secondary lessons are, that were chosen by your Soul at incarnation.  By identifying the themes of these lessons, Rita can then find out the percentages of completion for each life lesson [primary or secondary], or how many lessons your Soul may have decided to experience within this lifetime.  The reading will also include information of how the lessons show up in your life and in what area of your life it is presenting.

**Optional follow up counselling sessions to help create and maintain new patterns of functioning, based on findings in the report. 





In this reading it will be necessary  for you to set an intention (a description of the life you want to create), then you identify 1 to 4 situations you are experiencing in your life, at this time, in which you are having difficulty.  This can be anything!  Rita will then, with your permission, access your Akashic Records, investigate how many blocks and restrictions may be in place, and identify what they are.  By identifying these blocks and restrictions, you will be able to determine what choices you will need to make...what changes you may need to make in order to create the life that you want...the life you so deserve!!  

**Optional follow up counselling sessions to help create and maintain new patterns of functioning, based on findings in the report. 




This reading is designed to offer insight and perspectives on how a relationship adds to your own experience.  We investigate, specifically, what energetic blocks and restrictions may be negatively you the in the area of relationships.  This reading can be done to bring clarity to any relationship type:  romantic, partnerships, parent/child, siblings, business partners, and close friends.  

**Optional follow up counselling sessions to help create and maintain new patterns of functioning, based on findings in the report. 




   **prices subject to change; I will honor the price of services at the time of your booking!



Soul Profile -- $250.00;

include  2 - 1 hour counseling sessions, $444.00

include 3- 1 hour counseling sessions, $555.00

include 1 monthly counselling session for 6 months: 888.00


Spirit Guide Profile Reading--$173.25


Chakra Analysis Session--$173.25

include 2 - 1 hour counseling sessions, $333.00

include 3- 1 hour counseling sessions, $444.00

include 1 monthly counselling session for 6 months: 666.00


Life Lesson Reading--$173.25

include  2 - 1 hour counseling sessions, $333.00

include  3- 1 hour counseling sessions, $444.00

include   1 monthly counselling session for 6 months: 666.00


Life Situation Reading -- $173.25

include  2 - 1 hour counseling sessions, $333.00

include  3- 1 hour counseling sessions, $444.00

include   1 monthly counselling session for 6 months: 666.00


Relationship Session --$183.75


Property Clearing --$157.50


Soul  Realignment© Support Packages

Package # 1 - Soul Profile  and Spirit Guide Reading, and 2 counseling sessions--$666.00 

Package # 2 - Soul Profile, Spirit Guide Profile and Chakra Analysis, and 2 counseling sessions--$777.00 

Package # 3 - Spirit Guide Profile Reading and  Ongoing Coaching from Spirit Guides -- 1 hour every 2 weeks for 12                                                                                                                                                                                          weeks (6 sessions) -- $777.00

Package # 4 - Life Lesson Reading and Chakra Analysis -- $333.00 -- 

Package # 5 - Life Situation Reading and Chakra Analysis -- $333.00--

Package # 6 - Soul Profile, your choice of a Life Situation or Life Lesson Reading and Chakra Analysis--$666.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                         




All sessions by appointment only.  Readings/Sessions can be done through  Phone call (not preferred), Zoom video, or In-person. Upon receipt of payment and required information, Rita will begin your reading.  Please be aware that it may take 7 to 10 days to complete a comprehensive reading for you. 
You are encouraged to contact Rita anytime to discuss services with Rita through email at or (306)740-6242.


**phone calls, unless answered, will not be returned without a voice message**

Preferred Payment options:  E-Transfer, Cash, or Cheque. 

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